Who remembers The Brothers Grimm from Grimm's Fairy Tales? These two are the Brothers Earle from Brooklyn, New York. Cary and Duane Earle. After college, Cary relocated to California, where he planned to pursue a career in aeronautical engineering. After leaving high school, Duane decided to join his older brother in California to pursue his music dream. Some of you may know him by Don Jagwarr.
In 1984, a trip to Venice Beach formulated the idea to make money and pay homage to their roots in New York. Cary, with his engineering skills, could build a hot dog cart. Duane, the charmer with a gift of gab, would be perfect as the salesman and operator of the hot dog cart. They peddled their dogs all day on the Venice Beach boardwalk and all night in front of clubs. They finally ended up on Marlton Avenue in the swapmeet yard, where they built a large clientele with people from all walks of life. Many of whom are still customers today.
Their dream was realized when they opened Earle's Weiners, a hot dog restaurant on Crenshaw Blvd in May 1992, where they remained for nearly 16 years. They relocated to Crenshaw and Exposition, as Earle's Grill. In 2017 they moved to our current location in Crenshaw Square, known as Earle's on Crenshaw. A complete evolution from hot dog cart to a restaurant and full-scale catering company.
During the COVID-19 global pandemic, the brothers extended their philanthropy arm, preparing and delivering meals to approximately 300 elderly community members three times a week. They also donated meals and PPE to hospitals across the city.
Whether you first met them at the hot dog cart, Earle's Weiners, Earle's Grill, or Earle's on Crenshaw; The Earle brothers have established themselves as a fixture in the Crenshaw community with a following that extends beyond the greater Los Angeles area. While the business has grown, the clientele has diversified, and offerings expanded, few things have remained constant for over 36 years; their commitment to the empowerment of Black and Brown people, supporting people from the Crenshaw Community, and their hard work and dedication to quality food and superior service.
-words by Mama Earle